Friday, October 26, 2012

1st Template Ceremony, Original Innocence: A review

Video can be found at 1st Template Ceremony, Original Innocence.

The folks who did this are obviously evolved.

At the beginning, I particularly liked this phrasing: "[This presentation]… downloads a heuristic virus of source consciousness" that acts against "... the synthetic mutant matrix." LOL! Nice turn of phrase, though I’m not sure what is synthetic about the forces of darkness, other than they are not holistic.

Early on, the cello underscore is beautiful and there is a natural transition to the harmonic resonance underscore.

The primacy of forgiveness in overcoming the tyranny of the instincts and ego (lower self) is true.

The affirmations that accompany the guided meditations are well conceived.

What is missing for me (there are not many folks who would also recognize this) is that the visuals and the text did not evolve beyond the 3-D sacred geometry (a toroid does not appear until just before the 30-minute mark, and then only briefly without comment, returning in minute 32 with further graphic development that does not fully explore the toroidal form).

This leads to some developmental gaps; e.g., in the introductory segment, the script leaps from the source to DNA to the womb without explaining the basic connection.

A more complete explanation would go from the Singularity (what physics defines as having the entire potential for the universe, which is basically the same as what spirituality calls "G-d" or "the Supreme Being," i.e., omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent) to duality (the Big Bang, which fills the world with light), and then to the infinite differentiation of light, as well as the evolution of "light" to "light conscious of itself."

Other than the Singularity (which is an anomaly [the parent of all anomalies] that contains all the dimensions, not just the four that we normally experience), the universe is entirely constructed of Light (more properly called quanta, because most of the variations of light are not in the visible spectrum). So, "Light" is the logical through line for our world.

For example:

In the microcosm, we can map the behavior of quantum to a torus and explain many things, including why light is both a particle and a wave at the same time, the definition of time and why, in the fourth dimension, time is inseparable from space:

In the Macrocosm, we can look at the Cat’s Eye Nebula and see the same basic toroidal patterns of quanta:

And in-between, in the biocosm, we see that the quantum-torus manifests in vertebrates in the first organ, the heart, from which the circulation of oxygen and nutrients are carried throughout the circulatory system, also a quantum-torus:

The same is true of the rest of us, including our brains:

The same issues, regarding 3-D rather than 4-D, hold true of the sequence in which the video pictures the Earth within geometric, instead of toroidal, fields.

So, the meditation at the end of this sequence should be of the force which animates the creation of Light, which is the Singularity, pure being, total unity, the source energy without reflection.

I could also do without the so-called Christian concepts of "the Son" and "original sin." The Son is simply the DNA anomaly within the field of spirituality. There is no need to call upon specific religious concepts in a unifying video. Original sin is a misguided concept.

The current step in human development, called for by the intrinsic logic of Light itself, is conscious spiritual evolution, which is achieved by overcoming the tyranny of the instincts and ego. This evolution is perfectly natural. There is no sin in this. You cannot be separate from G-d, the Singularity, even if you try. The first dimension is indivisible. It is the source for everything.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Academy Awards attempt to throttle dissent

In a move consistent with the overall suppression of free speech, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences revealed plans to require a review from either The New York Times or the Los Angeles Times for documentaries to qualify for Oscar consideration (as reported today).

While it's public knowledge that only five companies control virtually all the mass media in the United States, it's less understood that these five companies, along with most of the 43,000 transnational corporations on this planet, are controlled by a few banks and holding companies that report to a handful of families and financiers (see recent study by the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich).

In recent years, popular documentaries, such as "Inside Job" and "Capita A Love Story," have revealed the means by which the private corporate banking pyramid that controls the central banks and once-sovereign currencies of the majority of nations leverages its control over the money creation process to profit from war, disease, and ignorance, and steal the assets produced by the 99%.

By this proposed action, Hollywood shows itself, once again, to be a propaganda tool of the banks.

Oh, and did we mention that it was reported today that The New York Times was giving a $15 million golden parachute to its failed outgoing CEO Janet Robinson, while it was simultaneously freezing pensions and scaling back health savings plans (to the tune of $9 million) for foreign correspondents and staff working overseas? This was news deemed "not fit to print" in "the newspaper of record for the 1%."

Monday, January 2, 2012

Conscious Media Network's announcement and David Wilcock's claims

We have read and heard a variety of claims regarding the present transformation.
Before commenting on the claims in Conscious Media Network's video supposedly announcing a benevolent one world currency, we would like to comment on David Wilcock’s recent and related statements. They contain a number of falsehoods that seriously undermine their credibility.

First, Wilcock’s claims that "the Elders" have what is considered to be “real money.” Beware: "Sound money" is a bankster scam. Gold is not money; it is a commodity. If the new system is based on gold, we will remain slaves. Human beings (labor) must be at the center. That is the only way to create a spiritual system.

"Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration." --President Abraham Lincoln, Annual Address to Congress, December 3, 1861 (Selections from the Letters, Speeches, and State Papers of Abraham Lincoln, by Abraham Lincoln, edited by Ida Minerva Tarbell, Ginn & Company, 1911, p. 77)

Lincoln understood that money is simply a means of accounting for the value created from human labor, which is why he printed U.S. Treasury "Greenbacks," based on the "full faith and credit of the U.S." This is also why he was assassinated.

Second, Wilcock claims that the financial backing of these Chinese Elders ("celestials") are what made the ascension of the United States, from "a few ragtag colonies" to "the world's pre-eminent superpower."

This is untrue; the colonies were very prosperous, because they each had their own bank and printed their own currency (as Benjamin Franklin told the British in London); the colonies became impoverished when the private British banks got Parliament to prohibit them from printing their own scrip and made them pay taxes in gold and silver, which they didn’t have. This caused a depression--the real cause behind the Revolutionary War.

Wilcock also claims that "Without gold to secretly back up the issuance of American currency, they (the U.S.) never would have been able to afford to grow so fast. It would have been a massive bubble that would be constantly threatened with destruction."

In fact, as noted earlier, "sound money" is a scam. There are many reasons why gold doesn't work, among them is that there is not enough of it to back a currency that expands in a certain proportion to the value being constantly created by human labor (and its adjuncts, including machines and computers). The U.S. dollar has never been fully backed by gold and was eventually taken off the fake gold standard when, during Nixon's presidency, Great Britain demanded gold in exchange for Federal Reserve Notes.

Wilcock also says, "... the biggest secret of the United States is that it was all built up with Asian money -- directly from the Elders." This doesn’t make sense, unless the Elders controlled the Rothschilds, in which case the Elders wouldn’t have to sue them at the BIS (Bank of International Settlements, the central bank of the central banks), which Wilcock is also claiming.

Wilcock says, "America was a rebellion against colonial, imperial, monarchic rule in Europe -- and the Asians saw this as a very necessary investment for their own security." Truth be told, the US remained enslaved by Euro bankers from then (before the revolution) until now (through European control of our currency and banking system).

Wilcock continues his fairy tale: "Essentially, the English were invading Asia, bit by bit -- since that's where all the money was." Actually, that’s where spices and other resources were. There was plenty of gold in the new world, as Cortez discovered.

Wilcock says, "Shiploads of gold, averaging 2000 metric tons per trip, were routinely being sent to the United States. This gold was secretly used as collateral by the United States Treasury to issue currency -- financing an unprecedented industrial expansion." The only times that publicly owned currency was issued in the US were the Continental, during the Revolution, which the British counterfeited and devalued, the Greenback, which Lincoln printed until they shot him, and Kennedy’s Silver Certificates, which ended after they shot him and Johnson rescinded Executive Order 11110.

Finally, Wilcock says, "Another part of this legacy that has carried through into modern times, with very few people being aware of it, is one of the largest tea companies in the world being named after the Celestials -- invoking all the mysteries and wonder of the spice trade." This is very funny. Celestial Seasonings was started by Mo Siegel, a Boulder-area hippie at the time, who picked herbs on public land to sell at the Green Mountain Granary.

Enough of Wilcock's drivel. He is in no position to criticize the video shown here; however, we do have some concerns.

In this video, the text reads, "It is commerce aimed at the creation of scalable affluence for the greatest number of people within a sustainable, asset backed 'bubble up' global economy."

While we welcome a sustainable credit-based monetary system, we question the meaning of "asset backed," because, as noted above, for a system to benefit human beings, it must be based on human beings, not material objects, commodities, or money as a store of value, with a life of its own (that is, the charging of interest).

In the instant that interest is charged, money (which began as a measure of labor) is inflated and labor is deflated. This is why, in what many mistakenly see as an uncharacteristic moment, Jesus threw the money changers out of the temple. In actuality, this action is perfectly consistent with Jesus' teachings: "You cannot worship G-d and mammon." The anger of the avatar is not the same as common anger; it is righteous anger that serves as a lesson to those who experience it.

Another skeptical aspect to this video is, as others have noted above, the lack of transparency as to who is delivering this.

Finally, we are skeptical of the hierarchical system being presented, particularly the notion of a one-world currency that usurps sovereignty from nations. We agree with an earlier comment that economic systems need to be decentralized. That is the way we are going to rebuild Main Street. One of the financiers’ current scams is the Euro, which is bringing an entire continent to its knees through debt-based currency.

As a recent study from the Swiss Federal Institute in Zurich shows, the current system is completely controlled by the bankers ( Here is graphic representation of this system: This type of centralization must end. This is not, as the Tea Party claims, "crony capitalism." It is monopoly capitalism. As we said earlier, people and living things must be the focus, not capital.

All this said, we welcome the possibility that those who have perpetrated and continue to perpetrate the current system are, one person at a time, in the process of transforming themselves, from their hearts, to a place where they see the necessity for the evolution of our economic system in consonance with our spiritual development.

To this end, today we offer the second--in a continuing series of—cosmic comedy videos:

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Omnius Manifesto mischaracterizes money

In his essay, Energy-backed Currency, Eisen gets money wrong right from the top:

The problem with money is that it either has to have intrinsic value in itself, like gold, or it has to be backed by or exchangeable for something that has intrinsic value. The abandonment of this principle, and the worldwide move to fiat currency, money freely printed and backed only by the soundness of the country or bank that issued it, has been brought the world’s economies to the verge of collapse in short order.

First, the earliest money systems were a means of accounting for value, not currencies like gold and silver that act as a store of value. There is no value without human beings. In the natural world, animals and other living things do not use a “circulating medium” (as Jefferson called money) to get what they need. Societies based on money as a means of accounting for value last much longer than societies based on money as a store of value, because commodities can always be cornered and manipulated.

When Eisen says we need “sound money,” he reveals a predisposition for the bankers, who currently control the system. “Sound money” has always been a bankers code phrase for the FAUX fiat money creation process in which the paper currency is never backed by more than 10% of its outstanding value in gold. Ron Paul uses this term as well. Who do you think controls most of the gold on the planet? The same small group of people that control the central banks and once-sovereign currencies. Replacing our current charade with this charade would change nothing.

The original 13 colonies in America had their own banks and printed their own money. When Benjamin Franklin went to London, he was horrified to see beggars everywhere and debtors prisons. When asked how they dealt with poverty in America, Franklin replied there wasn’t any. “How could this be?” he was asked. He explained that the colonies printed their own money (in a certain proportion to the ever-increasing value created by human labor). The British bankers then ordered Parliament to prohibit this practice and forced the colonies to trade in British gold and silver coins, which were scarce, of course. This created a depression in the colonies and is the main impetus behind the Revolutionary War.

Fiat currency doesn’t work when private banks control it and charge once-sovereign nations interest to use it.

Evolution means putting people at the center of the system, not commodities. All the spiritual masters teach this. Moses drew a line in the sand, worshipers of the Golden Calf on one side, worshipers of G-d on the other; Jesus said, “You cannot worship G-d and mammon.”

Putting people at the center means basing value on labor. Capitalism put capital at the center. That is why human needs and ecology take a back seat to profit.

What will it be?

Friday, December 9, 2011

Omnius Manifesto misses the mark

Here's a simple, but by no means complete, critique of the Omnius Manifesto, based on a single statement contained in the fourth paragraph of the introduction to that document:

"We can try to change human consciousness, but the truth is we are not going to succeed very well if we neglect to change the system that forms it."

Response: As shown in Solomon's Proof, everything in the universe comes from light (quanta), which itself is an iteration of what physicists call the Singularity.

Human consciousness is the result of the evolution of light into highly complex iterations of itself. While human consciousness is affected by its environment, it is, at its root, a product of the Singularity.

The Singularity is the omnipresent state (single dimension) in which everything is the very same thing (and which contains the potential for all phenomena). The only consciousness in this state is unity (being).

As Solomon's Proof shows, the next step in human development is conscious spiritual evolution. Whatever practice one uses to improve their consciousness, the fundamental basis is the state of unity, or pure being.

Singularity, or Supreme Being, is the source of all things. If we want the environment in which we live to change, this must begin with a change in consciousness.

Light consciousness in human beings (and all vertabrates) begins with the heart, the first organ to form and the center from which life is maintained (see previous post). The significance of the heart being the manifestation of light in human beings is that, just as all spiritual masters have taught, Love is the key to our well being.

Consider what the popular phrase, "Think globally, act locally," metaphorically implies. Transformation begins within us, in our hearts (the brain develops from the heart); or, as Solomon's proverb (23:7) puts it, "... as a man is in his heart, so shall he be ..." The Beatles said the same thing: "You tell me it's the institution. Well, you know. You better free your mind instead."

So, change begins with consciousness and consciousness changes the institutions. This is consistent with the message of Occupy Wall Street, which stresses decentralization. Changing institutions and relying on these inanimate objects to change people is backwards.

To be sure, we are not denying that there is a dialectic between consciousness and institutions, but in the new world in the making, people need to be valued above things (institutions, money, etc.). By definition, capitalism puts capital above all things. That's why environmental degredation, war, and poverty are justified by economic excuses.

What we envision is a world where human and spiritual values determine the nature of institutions. This begins with enlightened human beings.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Thrive, the film: A review

There is a lot to like in the Thrive movie. Foster Gamble had the time and money to follow his interests and he put together a compelling set of facts that largely define our existence in this universe and on this planet. However, in his conclusion, where he lists what is to be done, we see that a gap in his understanding of the torus leads to an incomplete vision of human potential.

Basically it boils down to this: early on, when Gamble is giving examples of how the behavior of the torus is manifested throughout the universe, he never mentions the heart.

The reason for this seems to be that Gamble came to the torus through his study of the sacred (two and three dimensional) geometry that was left to us by ancient civilizations, both terrestrial and extra-terrestrial. This seems to limit his understanding of the torus as a four-dimensional (topological) phenomenon.

Instead, conceives the torus as describing the behavior of quanta, which reveals a number of factors that are not addressed in Gamble’s torus.

For example, consider that light has the properties of a particle and a wave at, apparently, the same time. In Gamble's and his subject matter expert’s (Nassim Haramein of the Resonance Project) steady-state model, the torus appears to be a constantly regenerating wave. In order to behave as wave and a particle, Haramein’s model must be altered to expand and contract, as well as turn inside out, to wit:

Once these adjustments are made, the torus once again meets its topological requirements as both a sphere and a doughnut, not just a doughnut as in Haramein’s model.

This not only explains how light (quanta) is both a wave and particle, but it gives us a model that reveals how, as the complexity of matter develops through the compounding of light (evolution), the heart is a perfect representation of light.

The heart, of course, is the first organ in vertebrates (the brain develops from the heart) and the body develops around the heart in a toroidal fashion. So, the heart and circulatory system as a torus (see illustration below) turns out to be the central message: it tells us that light (quanta) expresses itself in us through the heart. As shows, conscious spiritual evolution is heart-centered and leads to sharing--just as all the spiritual masters have always taught.

Blood circulation from the human heart as a Quantum-Torus.The heart is the first functional organ in a vertebrate embryo, thus signifying that Love is the basis for our existence.

But Gamble never mentions sharing. Instead, after an excellent analysis of how private control over the money creation process has led to a multitude of problems, he ends up proposing an economic and political program that could just as well have come from Ron Paul: End the Fed; create “sound money”; and let the principle of non-violation of persons and property be our guide to individual liberty!!!

As you may know, there are a couple of very different groups that agree on ending the Fed, including the American Monetary Institute (AMI), which heavily influenced Dennis Kucinich’s bill (the NEED Act), Ron Paul, who believes in “sound money” (currency supposedly backed by gold), and the Public Banking Institute, which is critical of both AMI’s 100% reserve requirements on bank lending (which would cripple economic expansion as value increases) and on Paul’s update of the bankers’ scam of pegging a currency to a commodity (gold) on which they have cornered the market.

Gamble mentions alternate currencies and moving money to community banks and credit unions (good), but never touches on public banking, which means he is proposing the continued use of interest as a means of creating new, debt-based money, instead of credit-based money.

Here we are on the verge of the next evolutionary step in human development and Gamble’s proposal never addresses the unsustainable effects of charging compound interest on money (which should be a public utility, just like power). Yet previously, he suggests that we should have "free energy," based on prototypes of devices that tap into the principles of the torus. If power should be virtually free, except for maintenance (including capital improvements), then why should we be using interest to charge for money?

As all the spiritual masters have taught, interest is a crime against humanity. Why? Because value is created by human beings, not by abstractions and inanimate objects! Without human beings, natural resources are used according to instinctive needs, and rarely are inter-being transactions accounted for by using objects that are independent of the resources involved. In layman’s terms, this means that plants and animals do not generally use money or other objects as a “circulating medium” to trade with others.

How do human beings create value? Through their labor! If an hour of labor is worth $10 and you and I work 8 hours, then we each have created $80 of value. If you loan me $10 received in this manner and charge me interest, you are deflating the value of our labor and inflating the value of this abstraction, money, that we have agreed to use as a means of accounting for our labor. In that instant, you put money above people. This is the nature of capitalism—capital is at the center of the system, that is, money (and profit) is valued above people and the environment. This is exactly what spiritual texts mean by “worshiping false gods.”

Gamble justifies a system based on these false gods by arguing that individual rights supersede all other rights, because bad governments have used "group rights" to enslave people. Hmmm. Bad governments have also used the term "liberty" or "individual rights" to do the same. As Huey Long once said, “Of course we will have fascism in America, but we will call it democracy!”

Ultimately, the only protection we have against our shadows, our lower selves, is to evolve. Unfortunately, the economic solutions that Gamble proposes are more about protecting his investments than protecting anyone’s rights. He extols his solution as containing the best of both liberal and conservative practices, as if these inside-the-box philosophies, both of which are now captives of the banking cartel, have any relevance to a more evolved universe built upon the lessons derived from the quantum-torus, including its heart-centered manifestation within us.

It’s disappointing to see someone come all this way and not get the key piece.